Another great title, notwithstanding the sometimes illogical enemy AI. Some great larger scenarios. Worth spending some time compiling a spreadsheet of units and their attributes. Now starting on the Panzer Campaigns series...
Add a scenario editor to one of your simulators and charge $9.99 people will pay.
Maybe add a scenenario editor to edit amt of units placement of it how many tanks or men in the unit or the stats of it etc.
Great, just like the board games... anything like wooden ships and iron men ??? Thx,,,,,
Fantastic just like the table top version: please release the Napoleonic games. Pretty please!
I absolutely love all of the John stiller software apps I have. There is a lot more units than in '67 and MG. One of the more easier ones in my opinion, at least in compared to market garden, which is by far the hardest one. Works great on my Ipod, Nook HD and Samsung galaxy note tab or whatever this is.
Dell Venue 8, works excellent. Fun simulation, enjoy all John Tiller games